Investment Management

Grow Your Financials By Unlocking A World Of Opportunities.

Who We are

Black Cedar is an investment management firm based in Dubai and established in 2023.

The firm’s investment philosophy is based on a disciplined approach that is focused on fundamental investing and is overseen by experienced and seasoned investment professionals.
Black Cedar’s investment approach is dedicated to pursuing strong, consistent risk-adjusted returns across distinct market cycles and macro events.
What we do

We provide our clients with investment solutions customized to fit their financial objectives through their entire investment journey.


We help individuals from every walk of life prepare and plan for their needs and provide them with investment solutions which help them to not only preserve their capital but to grow it substantially. We help individuals set up college funds, plan for their retirement, secure their monthly rentals and make their mortgage payments.


Our institutional clients can take advantage of several investment opportunities which allow them to establish fixed cash flow dates and secured principals.
We help companies become stronger, grow faster, and ensure they are well-positioned for sustainable long-term growth.
Why Us

Your Path to Financial Excellence Starts Here

We understand that selecting an investment partner is a significant decision that directly impacts your financial future. Here’s why we believe we stand out as the ideal choice for your investment needs:

Tailored investment contract

We tailor investment structures based on our clients’ needs.

Experienced Professionals

Experienced and certified traders with a proven track record.

0% Service Fees

No service fees charged to cover the cost of research and admin services.

Compounded Interest Rate

Interest added to the principal over time.

Performance-Driven Results

Performance-driven approach rooted in rigorous research and focused on generating value to our clients.

Digital Oriented

Our operations is designed with digital solutions, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience for all our clients.

Personalized Guidance From the Comfort of Your Space

We understand the importance of a tailored advice and one-to-one interaction, and we offer the convenience of booking virtual sessions with our expert advisors.

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